Cinefex #68 (out-of-print)



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Mars Attacks! : Martial Art - Article by Mark Cotta Vaz

In Mars Attacks!, director Tim Burton's lampoon of the alien invasion genre, hordes of flying saucers and big-headed Martians wreak havoc on earth's inhabitants.
Forsaking motion control spaceships and stop-motion creatures in favor of an all-digital approach, Industrial Light & Magic and the newly established Warner Digital Studio shared responsibility for the visual effects.

T2: Battle Across Time: Battle Beyond Three Dimensions - Article by Estelle Shay

Conceived by Landmark Entertainment as a thrill-packed continuation of the Terminator saga, Terminator 2: Battle Across Time - Universal Studio's newest theme park extravaganza - redefines 3-D and special venue entertainment.
Terminator 2 director James Cameron and the film's original cast teamed with effects powerhouse Digital Domain to bring the groundbreaking project to fruition.

Daylight: Burned Out and Blown Out

Michael Westmore: Behind the Masks

The Ghost and the Darkness: Bad Cats in a Bad Place

The City of Lost Children: Magic With a French Touch

The Associate: Gender Benders

The Island of Dr. Moreau: Moreau's Menagerie

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