Nicolas De Crecy - Signed & Numbered Deluxe Edition



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This deluxe edition of the monograph includes a slipcase and an aquatint print, Le petit fantôme domestique, 2015, signed and numbered to 150 copies.

A comprehensive retrospective of this illustrator and bande dessinee artist's work. In French.

From the publisher:

The first illustrated monograph on the artist, this book is built in two parts, each showing a singular aspect of the work of Nicolas de Crécy. The book begins with an interview with the artist conducted by Michel-Edouard Leclerc.

The first part covers in chronological order all the published works by the artist, from his first book "Foligatto" in 1991 up through his manga "The Republic of Catch" released in May 2015. It is richly illustrated with archival documents, pencils, sketches, layouts and pages and the most iconic designs of each album. Each book is introduced with a text by the artist in which he explains his creative process and his literary and artistic motivation. The second part of the book focuses on his graphic work, showcasing drawings and paintings produced over 20 years. These works, published for the first time in a book, exhaustively show an artist unknown to the general public, Nicolas de Crécy outside of comics; an art form in which he too often confined.

The book is enriched by numerous texts by Nicolas de Crécy, written especially for this book, in which he explains his work, his themes and reasons for each step of the way. Nicolas de Crécy was born in Lyon in 1966. Discovered by the public and critical acclaim in 1991 with the release of the album Foligatto, immediately followed by his masterpiece The Celestial Bibendum, Nicolas de Crécy was soon considered one of the most gifted artists of his generation.

One of the spearheads of the "new comics".Alongside his graphic novels, he developed for many years very personal works. His design and narrative, poetic and strange, places him alongside Jose Munoz, David B, Lorenzo Mattotti, Blutch or Joann Sfar who have long since crossed the boundaries of the comic book.

La description de l'éditeur:

Première monographie illustrée de l'artiste, cet ouvrage est construit en 2 parties, chacune montrant un aspect singulier de l'oeuvre de Nicolas de Crécy. Fort d'une amitié de très longue date, l'ouvrage est introduit par un entretien de l'artiste avec Michel-Edouard Leclerc. La première partie déroule de manière chronologique l'ensemble de l'oeuvre publiée de l'artiste de manière chronologique, depuis son premier ouvrage " Foligatto " (Editions Les Humanoïdes Associés) en 1991 jusqu'à son manga " La République du Catch " (Editions Sh¯ueisha / Casterman sorti en mai 2015.

Elle est richement illustrée de documents d'archives, de crayonnés, d'esquisses, de story-boards ainsi que des planches et dessins les plus emblématiques de chaque album. Chaque ouvrage est introduit par un texte de l'artiste dans lequel il explique son processus créatif et ses motivations littéraires et artistiques. La seconde partie de l'ouvrage s'attache à son oeuvre graphique, faisant la part belle, thème après thème, aux dessins et peintures qu'il réalise depuis plus de 20 ans.

Ces oeuvres, publiées pour la première fois dans un ouvrage, montrent de manière exhaustive un pan de l'oeuvre méconnu du grand public, sortant Nicolas de Crécy de la bande dessinée; art dans lequel il a trop souvent été cantonné. L'ouvrage est enrichi de nombreux textes de Nicolas de Crécy, réalisés par lui spécialement pour cet ouvrage, dans lesquels il explique son travail, ses thématiques et les raisons qui ont motivé chaque étape de son parcours. Ces textes permettent de rentrer dans l'intimité d'un grand artiste aux marges du 9ème Art.


Nicolas De Crecy

Condition & Attributes

Very Fine in Very Fine slipcase
One of 150 copies including a signed & numbered aquatint print


De Crecy

Publishing Information

MEL Publisher

Physical Description

12.5 inches
11 inches
344 pages
color and black & white illustrations
pictorial boards