The Boss Of Little Arcady



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The Book of Colonel Potts
I. How the Boss won his Title
II. The Golden Day of Colonel Potts
III. The Perfect Lover
IV. Dreams and Wakings
V. A Mad Prank of the Gods
VI. A Matter of Personal Property
VII. "A World of Fine Fabling"
VIII. Adventure of Billy Durgin, Sleuth
IX. How the Boss saved Himself
X. A Lady of Powers
XI. How Little Arcady was Uplifted
XII. Troubled Waters are Stilled

The Book of Miss Caroline
XIII. A Catastrophe in Furniture
XIV. The Coming of Miss Caroline
XV. Little Arcady views a Parade
XVI. The Spectre of Scandal Is Raised
XVII. The Truth about Shakspere at Last
XVIII. In which the Game was Played
XIX. A Worthless Black Hound
XX. In which Something must be Done
XXI. Little Arcady is grievously Shaken

The Book of Little Miss
XXII. The Time of Dreams
XXIII. The Strain of Peavey
XXIV. The Loyalty of Jim
XXV. The Case of Fatty Budlow
XXVI. A Little Mystery is Solved
XXVII. How a Truce was Troublesome
XXVIII. The Abdication of the Boss
XXIX. In which All Rules are Broken
XXX. By Another Hand


Rose Cecil O'Neill

Condition & Attributes



Rose Cecil
Harry Leon

Publishing Information

Lothrop, Lee & Shepard

Physical Description

pictorial cloth